Water Feature Metal Work

Stunning granite water features for a beautiful front garden scheme in one of London’s most prestigious areas. Beneath the surface hides a complex series of stainless steel fabricated structures.  

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About the project

We have had the pleasure of supplying metal work for numerous water features of varying complexity.  In this instance, the vast majority of our work is hidden beneath the stunning granite exterior.

The granite slab sits directly on to a 5mm thick box section frame.  This was supplied directly to the quarry and serves not only as an integral part of the structure but was used for the safe transportation of the slab.

The slab and frame was then craned on to a 3mm thick water tight sheet metal tray sitting on block foundations that formed the basis of the water feature.

The infinity edging around the slab means only a very small amount of water is sitting on the surface.  For this to be successful it was imperative that all the metal work components were completely flat.

Achieving this is involved laser levelling the entire metal structure throughout the fabrication process achieving a flatness of within 0.5mm.

All materials used were 316 grade Stainless Steel and all welding was coded.   

This project illustrates the high standards to which we work and what sets us apart from our competitors.

About the project

We have had the pleasure of supplying metal work for numerous water features of varying complexity.  In this instance, the vast majority of our work is hidden beneath the stunning granite exterior.

The granite slab sits directly on to a 5mm thick box section frame.  This was supplied directly to the quarry and serves not only as an integral part of the structure but was used for the safe transportation of the slab.

The slab and frame was then craned on to a 3mm thick water tight sheet metal tray sitting on block foundations that formed the basis of the water feature.

The infinity edging around the slab means only a very small amount of water is sitting on the surface.  For this to be successful it was imperative that all the metal work components were completely flat.

Achieving this is involved laser levelling the entire metal structure throughout the fabrication process achieving a flatness of within 0.5mm.

All materials used were 316 grade Stainless Steel and all welding was coded.   

This project illustrates the high standards to which we work and what sets us apart from our competitors.


Metal work for water feature, London


Clifton Nurseries



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